Learning Center


Self-Paced, Customizable Instruction All Yours at Little or No Cost

The Fletcher Group’s online Learning Center helps you create, operate, and manage recovery housing at the highest level with a robust course catalog hand-tailored to your needs. The training is also modularly designed around micro-learning principles so you can learn and grow at your own pace no matter how busy your schedule.

Built Expressly for Recovery Home Operators

The Fletcher Group Online Learning Center can be customized to accomodate any pace and learning environment. Over 100 courses modularly designed by professional partners and subject matter experts around micro-learning principles let individuals, cohorts, and entire organizations upgrade their knowledge anytime from anywhere.

Including Custom-Designed Micropages!

A micropage is a dedicated, custom-designed Home Page for organizations that want to offer a branded public-facing learning platform to a large regional, state-, or nation-wide audience. They can include:

  • A dedicated page link for marketing and distribution
  • The ability to track learner progress
  • The ability to control course design flow
  • Access to our course catalog from your micropage
  • The ability to create proprietary courses that can only be accessed from your micropage

For a demo, consultation, or to create a course with us, email or call us at LC@fletchergroup.org or 606-657-4662.


Gain NAADAC-Authorized Continuing Education Credits!

Continuing Education Units, also known as Continuing Education Credits, are a common and vital measure in ongoing education. Many of the courses at the Fletcher Group Learning Center offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Authorized by the National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), Fletcher Group CEU’s offer proof of your increasing skills, capabilities, and knowledge.

Why Is Continuing Education So Important?

Psychology is a dynamic field, meaning best practices change over time. Embracing a continuous learning mindset allows you to continually expand your knowledge base, acquire new skills, keep up-to-date with the latest trends, adopt new best practices, capitalize on new opportunities, make better decisions, and become more creative in tackling new challenges. CE not only advances your career, it also helps you grow as a person. In short, a commitment to lifelong education helps you remain professionally effective and relevant, no matter what the future holds, so that you and your organization can continue to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Just a Few of the Many Benefits of Continuing Education

  • Professional Development. Continuing Education Credits (CEs) help professionals like you stay up to date with industry trends, new technologies, and best practices. 
  • Career Advancement. CEs also help you become more competent and confident, leading to more job opportunities, better networking, and higher income.
  • Credibility. CEs can help you establish and enhance your professional credibility.
  • Personal Development. CEs are also valuable in terms of personal enrichment.
  • Certification. Certificates of completion can be added to your resume and referenced in job interviews.

Course Examples

Here are just a few of the more than 100 courses currently available. Please note that though the links below take you to the courses, you’ll need to register first before beginning the course. To do so now, just click here!

Here’s a Course You Won’t Want to Miss!


Now you can upgrade your knowledge base anytime, anywhere no matter how busy your schedule!

The Fletcher Group’s new six-part Project Management Course at our online Learning Center gives you all the essential steps, tools, and templates needed to successfully launch and sustain a new rural recovery housing project.


Our new Project Management series covers all the following.

1.     Stakeholder Analysis

2.     Communications

3.     Sponsor Engagement

4.     Project Kick-Off

5.     Project Logs

6.     Project Completion


No matter where you are or what time it is, you can now dramatically expand your knowledge base with unprecedented ease and speed. That’s because our online classes are modularly designed for maximum pickup and retention.

Getting started is easy, too. Just click this button and sign in. It’s that easy! And so rewarding, too, when you know that what you’re learning can make such a huge difference in the lives of the people you serve. See you at www.recovery-housing.org/training/

This web page is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $3.3 million with 0% financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government.

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