Minnesota State Laws, Policies and Funding
RH terminology used by the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS), Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division
Recovery Residence
Recovery Housing
Sober Home
Accreditation, Certification, and State Licensing Requirement: No state requirement.
RH Law(s): In fiscal year 2022, the Minnesota Legislature requested that the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) form a work group to conduct a study of sober homes (SF873). (View a hearing on SF873 by the Committee on Human Services Reform Finance and Policy.)
RH Legislation: SF 4527 (2022) Client education requirements and the administering of medication in chemical dependency treatment facilities modification; sober houses definition establishment; waivers of tenants’ rights prohibition; care prisoners receive in county jails modification.
Regulations: None/unknown
SABG Program: The “Planned Priority Areas” documents for your state’s Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG) program and Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (MHBG) program do not specifically mention recovery housing as a priority, nor do they list recovery support services as an allowable activity. To learn more about specific recovery housing activities that are eligible for funding through these grant programs, please reach out to your state’s Single State Agency (SSA) that’s responsible for administering these funds by visiting http://www.dmh.ms.gov/service-options/alcohol-and-drug-services/
SOR Program: Your state’s Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) has previously funded recovery activities using State Opioid Response (SOR) funds. To learn more about specific recovery housing activities that are eligible for funding through this grant program, please reach out to your state’s Single State Agency (SSA) that’s responsible for administering these funds by visitinghttp://www.dmh.ms.gov/service-options/alcohol-and-drug-services/
Medicaid Funding: Nothing in the state Medicaid plan suggests direct support for RH, however, certain covered activities could evolve to be provided in RH settings include counseling and peer support.
NARR Affiliate Status: Yes, Minnesota Association of Sober Homes (MASH)
Housing Assistance Funding: Home (mnhousing.gov)
Directory/Registry: Certified Sober Homes https://mnsoberhomes.org/directory/
Minnesota Funders
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
The Hugh J. Andersen Foundation is a family foundation that was established in 1962 and is based in Bayport, Minnesota.
Regions: The Hugh J. Andersen Foundation primarily serves Minnesota, especially the St. Croix Valley area. The Foundation also directs grantmaking to projects in Wisconsin.
Issues Supported: The Hugh J. Andersen Foundation focuses grantmaking on issue areas such as health, human services, family services, shelter and residential care, and youth development.
Grant Process and Application: First, contact the Foundation to request funding guidelines. Deadlines for proposals usually occur four times per year, in March, June, August, and November. Find out more information about the grant application process by visiting the Foundation’s website.
Grant-Making Per Year: In FY 2021, the Hugh J. Andersen Foundation provided grants in the amount of $5.5 million.
Recovery and Supportive Housing Grantee Example: Moms and Dads Against Meth is a grantee that runs the Butterfly House, which is a recovery housing facility designed for women. The Butterfly House is located in Saint Croix Falls, Wisconsin, in rural Polk County.
Jeannette and Curt Olson Foundation
The Jeannette and Curt Olson Foundation is based in Granite Falls, Minnesota, and was established in 2011.
Regions: The Foundation serves Granite Falls, Minnesota, and surrounding communities in rural Chippewa County and Yellow Medicine County.
Issues Supported: Key funding areas include education, health, human services, and mental health care.
Grant Process and Application: Unsolicited grantmaking requests are generally not considered. Contact the Foundation by phone at 320-564-4070 for more information.
Grant-Making Per Year: In 2019, the Foundation provided grants in the amount of $100,000.
Recovery and Supportive Housing Grantee Example: Project Turnabout in Granite Falls, MN, in rural Chippewa and Yellow Medicine Counties. Project Turnabout offers outpatient services and transitional housing for individuals struggling with addiction. The recovery home for men is located in Marshall, Minnesota, while the recovery home for women is located in Willmar, Minnesota. Both facilities offer a supportive environment that helps recovering addicts transition into society and lead healthy, productive lives.
Southwest Initiative Foundation
The Southwest Initiative Foundation was established in 1986 and is based in Hutchinson, Minnesota. Southwest Initiative Foundation is a community foundation that serves rural communities in Minnesota and was first established as one of the Minnesota Initiative Foundations created by the McKnight Foundation.
Regions: The Southwest Initiative Foundation serves the Southwest region of Minnesota, with a focus on rural communities. Counties served include Big Stone, Chippewa, Cottonwood, Jackson, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Lincoln, Lyon, McLeod, Meeker, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Renville, Rock, Swift, and Yellow Medicine, all of which are rural. The Foundation also serves the Lower Sioux Indian Community and Upper Sioux Community.
Issues Supported: Key issue areas include community development, economic development, education, medical care, and shelter and residential care. The Foundation also has a specific focus on supporting rural childcare.
Grant Process and Application: The Foundation awards grants through its 120 fund partners. You can also fill out a pre-application questionnaire if your project doesn’t fit with an open grant opportunity. Find out about the fund partners and grant application processes by visiting the Foundation’s website.
Grant-making Per Year: In FY 2019, the Southwest Initiative Foundation provided grants in the amount of $1.5 million.
Recovery and Supportive Housing Grantee Example: Project Turnabout is a grantee located in Granite Falls, Minnesota, in rural Chippewa and Yellow Medicine Counties. Project Turnabout offers outpatient services and transitional housing for individuals struggling with addiction. The recovery home for men is located in Marshall, Minnesota, while the recovery home for women is located in Willmar, Minnesota. Both facilities offer a supportive environment that helps recovering addicts transition into society and lead healthy, productive lives.
Minnesota Opioid Settlement Funds
Total Settlement Funds in Minnesota
- $337 million
Fund Distribution
- 25% to the state through the Opiate Epidemic Response Fund
- 75% to local governments
- Funds from three distributors will be paid over 18 years
- Funds from Johnson & Johnson will be paid over 9 years
Application Process
- Not established
Key Contacts
- MN.DHS.OpioidResponse@state.mn
- Minnesota Office of the Attorney General Keith Ellison, opioids@ag.state.mn.us or 612-429-7126
How About Your County?
To get a quick overview of the resources available in your county, including gaps that may need to be addressed, visit the Recovery Ecosystem Index Map developed through a partnership between the Fletcher Group Rural Center of Excellence, the NORC Walsh Center at the University of Chicago, and East Tennessee State University.
Need More Info?

A year in the making by a staff of ten, the Fletcher Group’s 82-page Recovery Housing Landscape Report provides an in-depth overview of the most recent laws, policies, and funding affecting recovery housing. You’ll find sections devoted to state laws, SAMHSA funding, Medicaid, corrections, and housing assistance plus numerous links to valuable resources and official documents. To see the complete downloadable report, click the image to the left.
This web page is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $13.7 million with 0% financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government.
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